1lb of fettuccine

1 lean ham steak cut into squares

1 container of mushrooms

1 box of frozen petite peas

1 container of asiago and parmesan cheese blend

1 pint of half and half

½ stick of unsalted butter

1 teaspoon of nutmeg



In a skillet add 2 tablespoon of our Umbrian Italian Olive Oil and sauté your mushrooms until golden brown.

While your mushrooms are sautéing fill your pot to boil your fettuccine in and start heating the water don’t forget to add a little splash of basil olive oil to give the pasta a sweet basil taste.

In another pot add your butter your cheese blend and your half and half and slowly warm your alfredo until smooth and creamy. Be careful you do not burn the sauce.

Go back to your mushrooms and add the ham and peas and heat all the way through. Set aside when completely warmed.

Your pasta should be in the boiling water and cooking until done. Once your pasta is done drain and p
ut back into the pot as you are going to combine all your ingredients in that pot and then place into a beautiful serving bowl on the table.

So drain your pasta, add your mushroom, ham and pea saute, whisk your alfredo and make sure it is nice and creamy hot while whisking add your nutmeg and pepper and then add to your fettuccine. Toss well and transfer to a pasta bowl and serve. You can sprinkle some parmesan cheese over it and drizzled a little basil olive oil over as well. Great family style dinner serve with salad and bread.


Bon Appetit