4 Fresh Beets

2 tablespoons Chilean EVOO

Sprinkle of Kosher Salt

Sprinkle of Ground Pepper

4 pieces of Leaf Lettuce

Your roasted Maple Balsamic Pecans

Feta Cheese

Dress the Salad with Blood Orange Olive Oil and Maple Balsamic

Peel and Cut your beets into cubes.  Drizzle your EVOO over the beets, sprinkle your salt and pepper on them and roast them at 400* for about 30 minutes until al dente.

Place a leaf of lettuce on each one of your plates and pile your beets on the leaf, sprinkle you maple balsamic glazed pecans over the beets with some chunk feta cheese.

Once your plates have been made, drizzle some Blood Orange Olive Oil over them and then some Maple Balsamic.  Serving for 4.

Maple Balsamic Pecans

1 Bag half Shelled Pecans

½ cup Maple Balsamic

Preheat Oven to 400* cover your cookie sheet with a sheet of parchment paper.  Spread your pecans over the parchment paper,  pour your Maple Balsamic over them and bake for about 20 minutes or until you pecans begin to brown and bubble.  Remove from the oven and cool. Place your pecans in a Ziploc.  They can be used on almost anything they are so good.